Fill the form below to send the request.

All the below fields must be filled entirely. Lack of requested information will invalidate the report and, therefore, the return will not be authorized. Upon receipt of unauthorized goods, we reserve the right to reject the package.

Important notes

  • Pack the goods properly (if possible, use the original packaging) after decontamination and, if bulky goods, place it on a pallet to prevent damage during transport.
  • Make sure that a copy of the delivery bill is ALWAYS included in the package.


Goods sent in STEIEL for repair must ALWAYS be sent ex-works (at your charge) unless otherwise indicated.

  1. If the product will be considered under warranty, upon our communication, the repair and return of the material will be fully at STEIEL expense without any charge
  2. If the product will not be considered under warranty, upon a repair estimate, the repair will be charged, and the material sent back in charged forward or ex-stocks with invoice charge
  3. If the repair estimate is not accepted, the unrepaired material will be returned with a charge for management costs of €30.00 and the shipment will be charged forward or ex-stocks with invoice charge. The management costs of €30.00 will also be charged in the event of scrapping.
  4. For amounts less than €50, the material will be repaired automatically without waiting for authorization and paid by advance bank transfer or cash on delivery unless otherwise agreed.



    In compliance with legal regulations and for the safety of our employees, we need this declaration of decontamination, before Your request can be handled.


    Please tick the applicable warning(s). If necessary, attach the safety data sheet and additional specific instructions.

    avvertenze materiali
    Concentration CAS N° Flammable Toxic Corrosive Harmful Other Harmless
    Process liquid SI SI SI SI SI SI
    Cleaning liquid SI SI SI SI SI SI
    Liquid for final cleaning SI SI SI SI SI SI